System Output Destinations
The following System Output Destinations are available to help you extend the capability of your KODAK Capture Pro Software by providing the ability to output batches to a number of different industry-standard formats. These formatted output batches can then be easily imported and/or used by applications that expect these formats.
Many of these system outputs have been developed by Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), while others were directly written by Kodak. Most of them are available at no charge; however, Kodak does not influence or control what price, if any, an ISV may choose to establish for its product.
To obtain a system output, click on its associated download button. This will either initiate a direct download of a self-extracting file to automatically install the module, or it will take you to an appropriate download page where you can obtain the software. Once installed, the next time you run Capture Pro Software, the module will appear as a choice in the System Output Destination dropdown list on the Output tab of the Capture Pro Job Setup screen. Thereafter, you need only select it from the list to include it in a job setup. (This may not apply to items listed under “Other Integrations”)
Notes: Kodak offers these system outputs as a service to our customers, without warranty or guarantee either stated or implied. You must have KODAK Capture Pro Software installed on your computer in order to install any of these modules. Unless otherwise specified, the system outputs listed below will work with KODAK Capture Pro Software version 1.0 to 1.1.2 and all subsequent versions. Except for the system output to MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT, these system outputs will not work with KODAK Capture Pro Software Limited Edition. |
List of System Output Destinations
AnyDoc Software–OCR for AnyDoc® (LOCAL) LOCAL CONNECTION - Use this fully-integrated system output destination when connecting to a local OCR for AnyDoc® data capture solution. This connector provides a user-friendly, point-n-click interface to configure the output of images (bitonal, color, or dual-stream) and the mapping of data values from Kodak Capture Pro into OCR for AnyDoc. Data values include all indexed values created, as well as predefined system metadata such as job name, create date and scan operator ID. Document set designation is also transferred. Data captured by Capture Pro and AnyDoc can be seamlessly combined into one complete output stream, turbocharging your document processing. Requires Kodak Capture Pro 2.0 or later. Supported languages: English, German.
AnyDoc Software–OCR for AnyDoc® (REMOTE) REMOTE CONNECTION - Use this fully-integrated system output destination when connecting remotely deployed Kodak Capture Pro installations to a centralized OCR for AnyDoc® advanced data capture solution. This remote system output destination contains all the image output and data mapping functionality of the OCR for AnyDoc® local system output destination, and provides additional two-way remote communication to an OCR for AnyDoc capture server solution. Once documents are scanned, all images and data are securely encrypted and transferred, utilizing TCP port communication, to a capture server located safely behind the firewall. Requires Kodak Capture Pro 2.0 or later. Supported languages: English, German
AxxIS (Automated Office Systems)
Use this output format to create batches for use with AxxIS AOS software. Upon processing, this format creates a spool directory with the same name as the processed batch This spool directory will be a sub-directory of the user-defined root directory. The spool directory contains multiple sub-directories, one for every document in the batch. Each document directory contains all the images scanned as part of a document as well as a spool information file (SPOOL.TXT), an index file (00000.INX) and an image options file (00000.OPT). The image files are labeled with a five-digit number and have a .TIF file extension. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsaxxis.exe File Size: 176K ![]() |
Batch Index (Eastman Imaging for UNIX)
Use this batch ouput format to convert the image ouput to Batch Index (Eastman Software,Inc.) format (Version 1.3 for Imaging for UNIX; Version 1.4 for Imaging for NT)during batch processing. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcseastmanimaging.exe File Size: 168K ![]() |
Use this output format when producing batches that will be output directly to a Cabinet system. .NET Framework 4.5
must be installed on the PC that is outputting to Cabinet. Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 5.0 or higher.
Cabinet SOD Release Notes
Download File File Name: kcscabinet.exe File Size: 3.98 MB ![]() |
Captaris Alchemy
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Captaris Alchemy. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcscaptaris.exe File Size: 176K ![]() |
The VIEWWISE integration for KODAK Capture Pro allows users to output batch and index information from the KODAK Capture Pro Software into the VIEWWISE supported BIF file format. This integration adds VIEWWISE as a system output option in KODAK Capture Pro, allowing the user to specify File Format, Document Type, Index Mapping, as well as the ViewWise destination storage path and security parameters. This output is then automatically imported into VIEWWISE via the VIEWWISE Automated Input Processor (AIP) service, creating a seamless KODAK to VIEWWISE solution. Supported languages: English.
![]() This System Output provided by Computhink |
Download File ![]() |
Docutec Xtract for Documents (X4D)
The Docutec AddOn for KODAK Capture Pro Software provides the standard structure for use with Docutec XTRACT / Import. The Installation will ask you where to find the Installed version of KODAK Capture Pro and the directory for the System Outputs. The Output image location must contain directory “signal” and “data”. After Installation you could select within the Job-Setup/Output a new System2/Format called Docutec Xtract for Documents (X4D). Batch properties are accessible via the Setup-Button in the Output configuration. Supported languages: English.
![]() This System Output provided by Docutec |
Download File ![]() |
DocuWare (ALOS)
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with DocuWare. The DocuWare batch output format produces single-page TIFF images and an ASCII Index Information text file for use by the DocuWare IMPORT program. The DocuWare IMPORT program requires you to create a template file where the program settings will be stored. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsdocuware.exe File Size: 164K ![]() |
eiStream WMS RBE Multi-Page TIFF
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with eiStream WMS RBE Multi-Page TIFF. The eiStream WMS RBE (also known as Rapid Batch Entry) Output format produces a sequential range of either single-page TIFF files (one TIFF file per image) or multi-page TIFF files (one TIFF file per document ) per batch. Select the appropriate WMS RBE batch output format to output either single-page or multi-page TIFF files. All TIFF files are contained in one subdirectory with the subdirectory name equal to the KODAK Capture Pro Software batch name. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcseistreammultipage.exe File Size: 176K ![]() |
eiStream WMS RBE Single-Page TIFF
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with eiStream WMS RBE Single-Page TIFF. The eiStream WMS RBE (also known as Rapid Batch Entry) Batch Output format produces a sequential range of either single-page TIFF files (one TIFF file per image) or multi-page TIFF files (one TIFF file per document ) per batch. Select the appropriate WMS RBE batch output format to output either single-page or multi-page TIFF files. All TIFF files are contained in one subdirectory with the subdirectory name equal to the Capture Pro Software batch name. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcseistreamsinglepage.exe File Size: 176K ![]() |
ELO Postbox (>docufied<® for Kodak)
The ELO Postbox-SOD provides a link between the KODAK Capture Pro Software and the ECM/DMS ELOoffice, ELOprofessional, ELOenterprise. Scanned documents including their corresponding index data will be transferred directly into the Postbox of your ELO system.
ELOprofessional (>docufied<® for Kodak)
The ELOprofessional-SOD provides a link between the KODAK Capture Pro Software and the ECM/DMS ELOprofessional. The ELOprofessional SOD requires a configured XML Importer in order to control scanned images and their associated index data to be stored in the ELO Archive.
ELOenterprise (>docufied<® for Kodak)
The ELOprofessional-SOD provides a link between the KODAK Capture Pro Software and the ECM/DMS ELOprofessional. The ELOprofessional SOD requires a configured XML Importer in order to control scanned images and their associated index data to be stored in the ELO Archive.
All ELO System Output Destinations support image formats in TIFF and PDF. Supported languages: French, English, German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Danish, Italian.
![]() This System Output provided by id-netsolutions |
Download File ![]() |
EMC Application Xtender
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with EMC Application Xtender. The EMC batch output format produces a sequential range of single page TIFF files per batch for import into EMC's Application Xtender application. Batch output is compatible with Application Xtender Version 3.21.x and Version 4.0. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsemcappxtender.exe File Size: 168K ![]() |
EMC Captiva Formware
Use this output format if you want to create batches that are compatible with EMC Captiva Formware output. FormWare requires that a Batch Definition File (BDF file) be created when image processing is performed. This file has a BDF file extension and can exist anywhere in the FORMWARE root directory, although the FORMWARE\FILES directory is the default location. The BDF is a text file that will be saved in the Program Files path for the KODAK Capture Pro Software, unless the user specifies a full path name. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsemcformware.exe File Size: 192K ![]() |
EMC DOCUMENTUMUse this output format if you want to create batches for use with EMC DOCUMENTUM. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.* Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 or later.
This System Output is currently available on the KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 installation DVD. It will be available for download soon.
eMedia Filer (Optika)
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with eMedia Filer. The eMedia Filer batch output format creates single-page TIFF images and an ASCII input file that can be imported into Optika’s eMedia Filer. Upon processing of a batch, a directory with the same name as the batch is created in the output path on the Output tab of the Job Setup dialog box. The input file is also created and placed in the output path. Directories for each document in the batch are created and placed in the batch directory. These directories are named according to the KODAK Capture Pro Software Document number. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsemediaoptika.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
emPower (FYI)Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with emPower (FYI). Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
This System Output provided by KodakDownload File File Name: kcsempower.exe File Size: 180K ![]() |
File360 (Global360)
Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be imported into a File 360 system. You can also use the File360 output format for importing into a legacy KoVIS or IBS/PC Plus system. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.* Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 or higher.
Download File File Name: KCSFILE360.exe File Size: 176K ![]() |
The KODAK Capture Pro to FileBound integration allows the user to acquire application settings from FileBound and to directly release batches into the FileBound system. This immediate and full integration between the two systems provides a robust, yet easy, and intuitive uploading solution into the desired FileBound site without requiring any additional steps or software apart from KODAK Capture Pro (with the FileBound integration plug-in) and FileBound. This solution works for the full FileBound product suite, On-Demand, On-Site and the FileBound Express network appliance. Note: Download the zip archive to your hard drive, extract the contents, and follow the installation and set up instructions provided. Supported languages: English.
![]() This System Output provided by FileBound |
Download File![]() |
FileHold Systems document management software has the ability to output scanned documents from KODAK Capture Pro Software and automatically place them into the FileHold Document Management repository. The output files contain two items:
![]() This System Output provided by FileHold |
Download File![]() |
FilePower (Optika)
Use this output format if you want to create batches that are compatible with Optika FilePower format, which is comprised of single-page TIFF images, a Data file and an Action file with the command IMPORT in its command field. These files can then be directly imported into FilePower, using FPtransact for Fpmulti. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsfilepower.exe File Size: 192K ![]() |
File Magic Plus/Fortis
Use this output format to create batch outputs for use with File Magic Plus/Fortis. For each batch that is processed, this output format creates a batch sub-directory in the user-specified root directory. The batch directory will have the same name as the batch and contain all of the images (stored in a single-page TIFF format) that were scanned in as part of the batch. The format will also create a .txt file, store it in the batch sub-directory and give it the same name as the batch. The .txt file is an ASCII file containing the document index fields and the pathnames of each image in a document. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsfilemagic.exe File Size: 164K ![]() |
foxray xbound
This release of the “Adapter for foxray xbound Platform” allows the plug and play integration of KODAK Capture Pro Software and the foxray xbound platform. The adapter is integrated in the default output section of KODAK Capture Pro Software and provides a user friendly interface to configure the export of the images and metadata via the foxray standard interface into foxray xbound. Dual stream configuration is supported as well. The adapter is designed to operate in high volume environments and supports the full performance of the Kodak high volume scanners. Supported languages: English, German.
![]() This System Output provided by Foxray |
Download File![]() |
FTP Upload
Use this output format to automatically transfer batches and index data (that have been scanned and output to the local PC) to an FTP location accessible from the local PC. These transfers are done as a background task, allowing the user to continue scanning and outputting batches. English only.
The following FTP-Server-SOD-Help.pdf file is a Help/Configuration document that explains how to configure the above FTP Upload components after it has been installed on a Capture Pro system.
This System Output provided by KodakDownload File File Name: kcsftp.exe File Size: 208K ![]() |
High Performance Image Import (FileNet)
Use this output format to create batch output formats for use with FileNet High Performance Image Import. This output format will, upon the processing of a batch, create the following directory structure as a subdirectory of the user-defined root output directory. Directly below the root, there will be a directory named after the application. This directory will contain the batch's ‘batchname’.eob file and a sequence directory with a name corresponding to the date the batch was created. The sequence directory will contain a directory with the same name as the batch. This batch directory will have the batch’s transact.dat file and images. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support*. Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 or higher.
Download File File Name: KCSFILENET.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
iBridge Group- System Output to FileNet P8
The FileNet P8 System Output Destination (SOD) is available to help extend the capability of KODAK Capture Pro Software by providing the ability to output batches to FileNet P8 version 4.5. With a simple GUI and point-and-click integration, set-up is very intuitive. All data mapping takes place within the iBridge full-featured System Output Destination, located in Kodak Capture Pro. This means the data captured by Kodak Capture Pro can be seamlessly integrated with FileNet P8 solution.
The system outputs will work with KODAK Capture Pro Software version 2.0 and FileNet P8 version 4.5.
![]() This System Output provided by iBridge Group |
Request CapturePro Connector Download |
i-VAULT! provides support for archiving and retrieving documents and other types of images including checks. The i-VAULT! generic indexer allows you to index files that you cannot or do not want to index with the ACIF or PDF indexing tools. The generic indexer obtains index data and object file information from a generic index file. Using the information in the generic index file, i-VAULT! creates one index row for each object file (or portion of a file) identified in the generic index file. The index row contains the values that users can use to construct queries and retrieve check image. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsivault.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
Keyfile Document
Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be imported into a Keyfile system. To automate the process of importing a large volume of files, create a Batch Import file that specifies what you want to do. Then, open your Batch Import file, logon to the Keyfile Document Server, and start the Batch Import process. Copy this template of a Batch Import file, excluding the informational text, and enter the values you want to use. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcskeyfile.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
KODAK Digital Archive Services Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with KODAK Digital Archive Services. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
This System Output provided by KodakDownload File File Name: kcskdas.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
KODAK Document CD for Find and View
Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be used with the Kodak Document CD for Find and View application. This will create a batch folder in the Output root path (Export path) that contains the images and data for the batch together with additional files and subdirectories that are required to author a Document CD. Once Output, each Capture Pro Software batch will be stored in its own Batch folder. Each Batch folder can subsequently be written to a CD providing a retrievable batch of images/data complete with the retrieval application (Find and View). Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcskdoccdfnv.exe File Size: 7.54 MB ![]() |
Kofax Ascent XML The legacy Kofax Ascent (i.e., Kofax Capture) system output destination has been updated with new features and capabilities to make it easier to automate the importing of images and index data into Kofax Capture from Capture Pro Software. The new system output destination is called Kofax Ascent – XML and includes the following new features:
This System Output provided by Kodak
Kofax Ascent (legacy) Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be auto-imported into a Kofax Ascent system. The auto-import feature is a command line option that allows the Ascent Capture Scan module to be placed in auto-import mode by another application. This allows a Visual Basic program, for example, to poll a directory for incoming faxes and then start up the Scan module to automatically import them. Once the import operation is complete, the Scan module is automatically shut down. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.* Two auto-import methods are supported:
This System Output provided by Kodak
Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be imported into LaserFiche. The Batch output format will produce a basic import list (text file) with the name of the index template used in LaserFiche, the document name and the image paths. The image format will be single-page TIFF or multi-page TIFF (the same used in the MVCS multi-page TIFF Batch output format). Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcslaserfiche.exe File Size: 180K ![]() |
MacroImage - Preloaded Indexes (MacroSoft)
Use this output format to create batches for use with MacroImage Preloaded Indexes. The MacroImage batch output format is designed to work the Preloaded Indexes function to eliminate the need to manually index scanned documents in MacroImage that have already been indexed using KODAK Capture Pro Software. The MacroImage batch output produces single-page TIFF images, a flat ASCII text file (.PLX file) that contains the specific Cabinet, Type, and index values for the scanned documents, and a .LST file containing the full path specification to each image in the batch. Upon receiving this batch output, a MacroImage index operator can run the Process Preloaded Index file activity against the .PLX file to automatically generate all the index files necessary to File the scanned documents to the MacroImage database. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsmacroimage.exe File Size: 184K ![]() |
Meta File
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Meta File. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsmetafile.exe File Size: 168K ![]() |
Use this output format when producing batches that you want to upload to MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT Server 2007/2010. This will create batches consisting of image files and their related index information for use with MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT Server 2007/2010 document libraries. The MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT Server 2007/2010 batch output format produces either single- or multi-page TIFF and PDF images and adds them to a designated SHAREPOINTdocument library location. It also provides the option of outputting user defined batch and document level index data for each image. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.* Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 or higher.
Download File File Name: KCSSHAREPOINT.exe File Size: 388K ![]() |
Minolta MI3MS 3000 batch (mark imaging)
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Minolta's MI3MS 3000 Imaging System. Minolta makes use of the Doc-X Batch Module to import the images created with KODAK Capture Pro Software into their imaging system. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsminoltabatch.exe File Size: 168K ![]() |
Minolta MI3MS 3000 Doc-X Import
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Doc-X Import. The Minolta MI³MS 3000 Doc-X Import batch output format exports images and index data to the root export directory specified in the Output root path field on the Output tab of the Job Setup dialog box. The images are stored in Single-Page TIFF format and placed in a batch subdirectory equal to the KODAK Capture Pro Software batch name. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsminoltadocx.exe File Size: 168K ![]() |
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Mobius. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.* Requires KODAK Capture Pro Software v 2.0 or higher
Download File File Name: kcsmobius.exe File Size: 192K ![]() |
Nirv2 (Inception Technologies)Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Nirv2. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
This System Output provided by KodakDownload File File Name: kcsnirv2.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
PaperVision (Digitech)
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with PaperVision. The PaperVision batch output format produces a sequential range of multi-page TIFFfiles per batch for import into Digitech's PaperVision application TIFF files are contained in one subdirectory with the subdirectory name equal to the Kodak Capture Pro Software batch name. A DATAGRP.XML file is created for each batch that references the files to be imported and may also contain index data. The DATAGRP.XML file is located in the same batch subdirectory as the TIFF images. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcspapervision.exe File Size: 172K ![]() |
Use this output format when producing batches that will subsequently be imported into PC DOCs. Document Import is a utility that allows you to import pre-existing documents into DOCS Open. Document Profiles are automatically created for each of the documents. DOCS Open will copy or move each document to the DOCS Open directory structure, and will use either information stored in the document or the document's location to create a Document Profile. The DOCS Open Document Import feature also allows you to "link" pre-existing documents to DOCS Open, without changing their original directory structure or name. Linked documents will be given a unique Document Number as well as a Document Profile. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcspcdocs.exe File Size: 164K ![]() |
Unisys e-Workflow and Imaging
Use this output format if you want to create batches for use with Unisys e-Workflow and Imaging. The Unisys e-Workflow and Imaging batch output format produces a sequential range of single page. TIFFfiles per batch. All TIFF files are contained in one subdirectory with the subdirectory name equal to the Kodak Capture Pro Software batch name. A DDF index file contains e-Workflow and Imaging Version 3.1 or Version 4 indexes. Standard KODAK Capture Pro Software language support.*
Download File File Name: kcsunisys.exe File Size: 188K ![]() |
Kodak Alaris ist ein führender Anbieter von Informationserfassungs- und intelligenten Dokumentenverarbeitungslösungen, die Geschäftsprozesse vereinfachen. Wir unterstützen Unternehmen, Informationen sinnvoll mit intelligenten, vernetzten Lösungen zu nutzen, basierend auf innovativer Bildwissenschaft, die seit Jahrzehnten unsere Kernkompetenz darstellt. Unsere ausgezeichneten Scanner, Software und Services sind weltweit über unser Netzwerk an Vertriebspartnern verfügbar.
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© 2024 Kodak Alaris Inc. TM/MC/MR: Alaris, ScanMate. Alle Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. Die Marke Kodak und das Logo von Kodak werden unter Lizenz von der Eastman Kodak Company verwendet.