i4650 Scanner FAQs

Below are the frequently asked questions for the i4650 Scanner.
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  • How do I use Smart Touch?
    • Refer to the User's Guide for Smart Touch for information about using this software.

  • How can I obtain professional services and support for the scanner?
  • How do I use the Scan Validation Tool (SVT)?
    • For information about using Scan Validation Tool, please click here

  • What do I do if the scanner will not scan/feed documents?
    • Make sure that:

      • The power cord is plugged in and the power is on.
      • The power button has been pushed on and the green LED is lit.
      • The scanner cover is completely closed.
      • Documents are making contact with the feed module and are covering the paper present sensor.
      • The last document in the stack does not have black in the area covering the paper present sensor in the input elevator.
      • Documents meet specifications for size, weight, and type, etc.
      • For thicker documents, toggle the gap release toggle switch during feeding.
      • You check the feed module and separation roller for signs of wear, and replace these parts if necessary.
      • You can also power the scanner down and power it up again.
  • Where can I find the warranty information?
    • Warranty Information is provided in Appendix B of the User's Guide.

  • Why do I see the Indicator lights and what do they mean?
    • Steady green — the scanner is scanning. Fast flashing green: waiting for operator action.

      Slow flashing green — the scanner is in power saver mode. Steady red: indicates a scanner error, such as the scanner cover is open.

      Steady red then flashing green — scanner is powering up.

      After you power up the scanner, the red and green indicator lights flash. After approximately 12 seconds, both lights go out. When the green indicator light comes back on and the function window displays “1”, the scanner is ready to begin scanning. However, the host computer may require several seconds to detect the scanner.

      Falling bar — when the scanner is waiting for an operator action, a blue bar will step down in succession from top to bottom in the function window.


  • Why are my documents skewing when feeding and transporting?
    • Verify that:

      • The input elevator side guides are adjusted to fit the documents being fed.
      • The gap release is set correctly.
      • The documents are being fed perpendicular to the feed module.
      • All staples and paper clips have been removed from the documents.
      • The feed module, separation roller, and drive rollers are clean and not damaged.
      • The scanner transport is firmly closed.
  • Why are my longer documents jamming?
    • Verify that the Document Management: Maximum Length option on the Device-General tab (TWAIN Datasource) or the Longest Document option on the Scanner tab (ISIS Driver) is set to longer than the longest document being scanned. The default is 43.2 cm (17 inches).

      Make sure the input elevator and output tray extenders are pulled out to provide support for long documents or use the optional document extenders

  • Why are there Vertical lines appear on the image?
      • Clean the imaging guides. Refer to User Guide Chapter 5, Maintenance.
      • Enable the Streak Filter option or increase the aggressiveness in the driver settings.
  • Why is my scanner running slow?
      • Your PC may not meet the minimum requirements for the scanner.
      • Some image processing functions will reduce scanner speed, check your driver settings
      • Greater than 300 DPI resolution slow the scanner transport speed and the scanner will be slower
      • Anti-virus and anti-malware software may be scanning all images being saved
      • Scanning to network drives can decrease system performance, try scanning to a local drive
  • Why is the OCP message "Paused for Image Transfer" occur during scanning?
    • The host scanning application is not pulling the images from the scanner fast enough.

      Check :

      • The computer meets minimum requirements for scanning.
      • There is enough free space on the hard disk drive.
      • Try a USB 3.0 port instead of a USB 2.0
      • Verify that image compression is enabled in the driver settings.
  • What do I do if my documents are multifeeding?
    • Make sure that:

      • all documents meet specifications for size, weight, and type, etc. as outlined in Appendix A, Specifications.
      • all staples and paper clips have been removed from the documents.
      • all rollers and tires are clean and the separation roller and feed module are properly installed. See the procedures in Chapter 5, Maintenance.

      To remove a document jam:

      • Remove any documents from the feeder area.
      • Open the scanner cover.
      • Locate the jammed document(s) and remove it.
      • Close the scanner cover and resume scanning.


  • How do I clean the rollers?
  • How do I obtain consumables?
    • To determine the consumables that are needed please reference the consumable catalog.

  • How do I replace the feed module tires?
    • 1.With one hand, press the locking tabs (one on each side) while holding the lower housing with the other hand. Pull the upper housing up and away from the rollers.

      2.Remove both core assemblies

      3.Replace each tire by sliding the tire off the core.

      4.Install each new tire by gently pulling it over the core. The tires do not need to be installed in any specific orientation. 

      IMPORTANT:Do not overstretch the tire; it may tear.

      5.Replace each core assembly in the lower feed module housing and align the tabs on the upper housing with the slots on the lower housing.

      6.Press the upper and lower housings together until they snap into place.

      7.Insert the pin on the left side of the feed module with the rod (1); align the upper tab with the slot (2); align the pin on the right side of the feed module with the rod (3) and turn the green feed module release knob (4) to reengage the feed module. Verify that the feed module is securely in place and moves freely after you install it.

      8.Close the scanner cover and the printer access cover.

      9.Reinstall the output tray.

  • How often should I clean the scanner?
    • A recommended cleaning sequence includes vacuuming the scanner transport, cleaning the residue from the feed module tires, separation roller tires and drive rollers and cleaning the imaging guides.

      Use the chart below as a guide to how frequently you should clean your scanner.

  • What can I do to help prevent paper jams?
    • Make sure that:

      • All documents meet specifications for size, weight, and type, etc. as outlined in Appendix A, Specifications.
      • All staples and paper clips have been removed from the documents.
      • All rollers and tires are clean and the separation roller and feed module are properly installed. See the procedures in Chapter 5, Maintenance.

      To remove a document jam:

      • Remove any documents from the feeder area.
      • Open the scanner cover.
      • Locate the jammed document(s) and remove it.
      • Close the scanner cover and resume scanning.
  • What supplies and consumables are available for KODAK Scanners?