Truper 3200 & 3600 Scanners 支持



扫描仪驱动程序 3200/3600

此页底部的链接用于下载安装扫描仪驱动程序,将安装用于 Trūper 3200 Flatbed 和 3600 Rotary 扫描仪的最新 OEM VRS、TWAIN 数据源、ISIS 驱动程序和 WIA/STI 驱动程序。 要获取更多信息,请阅读本页中的发行说明。

注意:  必须将下载的文件解压缩到一个单独的目录中,然后再运行 Setup.exe 文件。


从柯达下载,即表示您同意许可协议中列出的条款与条件。 多语言下载的实际文件大小可能有所不同。

VRS 升级


从柯达下载,即表示您同意许可协议中列出的条款与条件。 多语言下载的实际文件大小可能有所不同。

Operating System Compatibility


Operating System Compatibility Definitions

Supported – Kodak Validated

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP Pro SP2/SP3 (32-bit)
  • Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit)

Not Supported – Customer Validated

  • Windows 7 SP1(32-bit)1

Not Supported – Not Validated

  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98SE
  • Windows ME
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 2003 Server
  • Windows 2008 Server
  • Windows XP Pro SP2/SP3 (64-bit)
  • Windows Vista SP1 (64-bit )
  • Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • Linux
  • Mac


  1. Kofax has certified the Bowe Bell and Howell Trūper 3200 and 3600 scanners under Windows 7 (32bit) operating systems with VRS 4.5 (sp1). This certification has not been tested or verified by Kodak.

Data Security

Protecting Customer Information - KODAK Scanners process scanned data exclusively through volatile memory ensuring image data is effectively erased upon shut down.

This scanner contains non-volatile storage (NVRAM), and volatile memory (SDRAM).

Volatile memory is used to store customer image data. It is erased when the device is turned off.

Non-volatile memory is used to store program data, scanner settings, and scanner calibration data. No customer image data is stored in non-volatile memory.

The only scanner settings stored permanently are the Energy Star settings. No other customer data is stored in the non-volatile memory.

NOTE: The image data is passed to a PC which has its own ability to store images and information. The customer will also need to consider what precautions must be taken to secure the data on the PC.


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